Tobacco Cessation Treatment Clinic in Rochester, NY
Tobacco cessation reduces the chance of developing cancer and other major health issues. To assist a person in quitting smoking, counseling, behavior therapy, medications, and other successful therapies may be employed. Charles L. Montante, MS, CASAC, LMHC, and his team at Westfall Associates help patients quit smoking and use other tobacco products. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 919 Westfall Road Building B, Suite 60 Rochester, NY 14618.
Nicotine, which is found in all tobacco products, is the most addictive and deadly substance of all. While smoking rates have dropped dramatically over the years, nearly 20% of adults continue to use tobacco products regularly, and tobacco-related illnesses remain by far the single greatest cause of disease and death in the United States.
Despite all the evidence, tobacco use continues to be viewed as somehow less harmful than other more stigmatized addictions. The tobacco industry has been hugely successful in purveying this myth and promoting their interests, and let’s face it; they’ve got a very effective product to market. Cigarettes are an inexpensive, legal, and easy way to self-medicate depression or anxiety, they don’t impair functioning (they can increase productivity and concentration) and they usually don’t kill their victims young.
Like any other chronic substance use disorder, however, smoking and other tobacco addictions create more problems than they solve as they progressively begin to control decision-making, affect relationships, and slowly debilitate health and functionality.
No one needs to quit “cold turkey” anymore, but the use of cessation aids alone is often not enough to prevent a relapse. Our short-term program is based on best-practice research that shows behavioral counseling and support, along with the effective use of prescription and over-the-counter cessation products can greatly improve long-term success. Our services are provided by a multi-disciplinary team of medical and behavioral health professionals specially trained in tobacco cessation.
Some of the Rewards of Quitting
- Improved health/longer life
- Food will taste better
- Improved sense of smell
- Save money
- Feel better about yourself
- Home, car, clothing, breath will smell better
- Can stop worrying about quitting
- Set a good example for children
- Have healthier babies and children
- Not worry about exposing others to smoke
- Feel better physically
- Perform better in physical activities
- Reduced wrinkling/aging of skin
- More time and energy
- Others will be proud of you
- Sense of accomplishment
- Better outlook on life
- Won’t get sick as much